Saturday, July 11, 2015


visual of leadership
     In her post What are the Best Ways a Teacher Can Demonstrate Leadership in the Classroom? Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano discusses four component of leadership in the classroom: model, experience, share, and trust. Google defines leadership as the act of leading a group of people or an organization. Although there are many quotes and images about the concept of leadership, she says it is best described as a "Leadership Flow" rather that one best way or another. A leader models the behaviors they desire from their students. A leader also gives plenty of opportunity to experience learning. Sharing the students learning is an important role of a leader.  And finally, trust between the teacher and student is what makes the leadership effective.
     My comment: I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I love your illustration and description of leadership in the classroom. Students naturally follow by example. As teachers, students need to be able to follow us as examples as to what is expected of them. Our example of learning should inspire them to further their own learning.

Anne Frank Museum
      In her post Reflections about Anne Frank and Making Blogging Connections, Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano recalls her recent visit to the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam. She has been writing in a diary for 30 years since she was inspired to do so after reading The Dairy of Anne Frank. She says that "in some shape or from, Anne Frank's dairy put me on the path so many years ago to journaling and decades later to blogging and documenting for learning." She relates Anne Frank's diary entries to blogging, snapchatting, or instagramming.
     My comment: I also read "The Diary of Anne Frank" as a young girl. I love your connections of her diary entries to our modern day social media. I have not really though of it this way before, but social media can  be used as a way to document our lives from our own points of view, for others to read long after we may be gone, to know who we were and what we stood for and believed in, just as Anne Frank's diary has done.
In some shape or form, Anne Frank’s diary put me on the path so many years ago to journaling and decades later to blogging and documenting for learning.

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A leader in the classroom is always working on establishing and strengthening trust as an integral component of that leadership flow. Trust is the component that “lubricates” the movement of the flow.

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A leader in the classroom gives students the opportunities to experience the learning.

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A leader in the classroom gives students the opportunities to experience the learning.

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A leader in the classroom gives students the opportunities to experience the learning.

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